TalentED & Santiago Canyon College Job Density

TalentED & Santiago Canyon College Job Density

Facilitating the job search for Santiago Canyon College’s students as they transition out of the
school’s presitigous real estate program and into the workforce by displaying the areas with the
highest concentration of employment opportunities.

The Blackest City

The Blackest City

Moreno Valley is a vital, yet overlooked, part of the narrative on Black migration to the Inland Empire. Through oral histories collected from past and present Black residents, The Blackest City captures the experiences and stories of building a family, practicing religion, making a living, building community, engaging in sports and leisure activities, and raising the young in Moreno Valley. These stories were geographically pinned on a map, offering a tangible representation of the community’s history affirming the communities vision for a thriving and inclusive
community in the Inland Empire’s Blackest City.

The Black Equity Fund

The Black Equity Fund

This map and StoryMap combines data visualization and narrative storytelling humanizing the impactful work of the Black Equity Fund in the Inland Empire.

Orange County Jobs First

Orange County Jobs First

Maps on disinvested communities, equity inclusiveness, COVID recovery, and sustainability/environmental justice grounded the region’s planning process in data helping to ensure equitable decison making.

California’s Changing Political Landscape

California’s Changing Political Landscape

Over the past decade, California has experienced a growing Democratic trend in presidential elections, indicated by an increasing ratio of votes for Democrats compared to Republicans,as the state’s diverse population, including Black, Latino, and other voters of color, mobilizes
and prioritizes issues relevant to their communities.”

$40,901 of $10,000 raised
$ 50.00
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Donation Total: $50.00

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