TalentED & Santiago Canyon College Job Density
Number of organizations by intended audience neighborhood or business zip code if intent unknown. L.A. County is a city uniquely undefined by ethnic borders. These areas cannot be determined by the publication, station, or outlet’s zip code alone.
Number of organizations by topic of publication, station, or outlet content. International news largest audiences are Latino and A.A.P.I. racial groups, while local news is largest with Black and Latino racial groups.
Number of organizations by content delivery method. Digital has the largest share of Los Angeles market, yet most organizations are ill-equipped sufficiently and accurately track and manage pertinent data.
Number of organizations by main content language if Not Bilingual, additional language if Bilingual. While the majority of publications, stations, and outlets are not bilingual, English is not the main language of most ethnic publications.
Number of organizations by size of organization. Capacity of publication, station, or outlet to provide meaningful, well curated media is often subject to limiting factors like number of employees, lack of diverse revenue options, market saturations, etc.