Inland Empire Media Ecosystem Assessment
Created for the launch of the Inland Empire Journalism Innovation Hub + Fund, this Map of media outlets and stations in the Inland Region clusters local news by type, service area and ethnicity.
Created for the launch of the Inland Empire Journalism Innovation Hub + Fund, this Map of media outlets and stations in the Inland Region clusters local news by type, service area and ethnicity.
The Combating Racism as a Public Health Crisis platform leverages burgeoning web recorder screen capture technology to centralize California declarations as a resource and accountability tool for the state’s elected officials and community members.
Moreno Valley is a vital, yet overlooked, part of the narrative on Black migration to the Inland Empire. Through oral histories collected from past and present Black residents, The Blackest City captures the experiences and stories of building a family, practicing religion, making a living, building community, engaging in sports and leisure activities, and raising the young in Moreno Valley. These stories were geographically pinned on a map, offering a tangible representation of the community’s history affirming the communities vision for a thriving and inclusive
community in the Inland Empire’s Blackest City.
This map and StoryMap combines data visualization and narrative storytelling humanizing the impactful work of the Black Equity Fund in the Inland Empire.
This study analyzes the variability of police spending in 476 California cities from 2014 to 2019, visually representing the percentage of municipal budgets allocated to police departments and contracts with county sheriff departments. The research highlights significant differences in police spending across the state and investigates the relationships between spending
percentages and population changes during the 5-year period.
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