Orange County Jobs First

Orange County Jobs First

Maps on disinvested communities, equity inclusiveness, COVID recovery, and sustainability/environmental justice grounded the region’s planning process in data helping to ensure equitable decison making.

Mapping Hate in California

Mapping Hate in California

The incident of racist graffiti at Hamilton Elementary School in Anza, Riverside County, and the subsequent arrest of two individuals highlight the enduring issue of hate crimes in California, dispelling the notion of the state’s liberal reputation, while emphasizing the importance of
understanding and addressing these acts of hatred through an in-depth examination of hate crime prosecutions and convictions.

Racism as a Public Health Crisis

Racism as a Public Health Crisis

The Racism as a Public Health Crisis Dashboard
provides a view of what is changing/or has
changed across California municipalities
regarding county and city declarations.

$40,851 of $10,000 raised
$ 50.00
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Donation Total: $50.00

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